The ideal subject of totalitarian government is neither the convinced Nazi nor the convinced communist, but the one for whom the difference between fact and fiction (that is, the reality of experience) and the difference between true and false no longer exist. (that is, the criteria of thought)" (The th meeting of the International Labor Conference has been taking place since June th, via a virtual platform, due to restrictions imposed by the Covid- pandemic. Until June th, ILO member states will remain gathered for debates on issues related to the world of work, with a special focus contained in the program and proposals for - in relation to the recovery of global social and economic perspectives, centered on being human worker in the post-pandemic period. Let us remember that Brazil, particularly the head of the Executive branch, since the beginning of the health crisis has followed the path of denialism and shifted the discussion towards a false dichotomy between the right to life and the economy. In this scenario, public policies moved away from sensible debate based on scientific knowledge, and due to negligence in acquiring vaccines and insistent discouragement of measures prescribed by health authorities, this contributed to more than thousand deaths, in addition to the consequences that are not yet completely known. and mapped, but which affect the health and well-being of thousands of Brazilians.
It is notable that the pandemic Greece Phone Number has worsened poverty rates and social inequalities across the globe, as shown in the study "Social protection responses to the Covid- crisis: Country responses and policy considerations" , by the ILO. In Brazil, previous legislative measures, and above all the Labor Reform, highly regarded in some sectors of public life and touted as a modernization of labor relations, drastically expanded the chances of social precariousness. There is evidence of an increase in the number of self-employed workers who, through a purely legal abstraction, became individual micro-entrepreneurs after Laws , and ,, both of [] Without traditional social protections, precarious formal workers, in addition to informal workers (significantly affecting the situation of domestic workers), suffered and still suffer from the impacts of the reduction in economic activity. Qualified as "invisible" by the Minister of Economy, a public authority that manages the portfolio that houses the remains of the former Ministry of Labor, these workers were belatedly assisted and, even so, with contributions (defined between political cards) for a period that proved to be below what is necessary given the lack of control of the pandemic. Brazil is out of alignment with the current concerns of the International Organization.
The agenda for discussions at the th International Labor Conference is the dialogued construction of international social protection standards, including social security standards, measures that clash with the celebrated social security reform and the fiscal exceptionality regime adopted in Brazil and that postpone the discussion of basic income, not as charity or political currency, but as serious public policy and a return to social inclusion. As for employment, the measures adopted by the government through Provisional Measure , later converted into Law ,, in addition to being insufficient to protect employment during the long period of the pandemic (and the IBGE numbers are there so as not to lie), generated , according to data from the Ministry of Economy, impact on more than million employment contracts with suspensions and reductions in working hours and wages, without the necessary union protection, which constitutes a breach of the duty to encourage collective bargaining provided for by Convention of the ILO, in addition to the unjustified differentiated treatment by salary ranges and which challenges the sense of equality and non-discrimination that constitute the ius cogens of international human rights treaties.