The two main differences between open recruiting and targeted recruiting are the candidates you target and the fact that each of these strategies focuses on specific positions that are difficult to fill. Large number of applicants vs. specific requesters In open recruiting, you advertise open positions, promote your company brand in the job description, and seek to attract a large number of candidates. Open recruiting will give you deeper talent pools, and you'll notice more diversity in your talent pool because the job boards you use are typically large platforms, like Monster or Indeed. In open recruiting, you'll worry less about targeting candidates who have a specific skill set or experience level, and generally any candidate can submit a resume for a vacancy, regardless of their skills or skill level. Although open recruiting can offer a wide variety of applicants, it can also involve a time-consuming resume review process. And even then, you might overlook some candidates. But with targeted recruiting, you'll generally identify areas in the job market where you're likely to find qualified candidates.
Your hiring process is more focused, as is the job ad you post, and you'll also use targeted messaging and your company branding to attract desired candidates who meet your requirements. Fill difficult positions more easily Compared to open recruiting, which helps you fill easy positions that attract hundreds of applicants per vacancy, targeted recruiting helps you fill difficult positions. Hiring for IT positions, such as cloud positions, data scientist positions, IT architect positions, testers, or agile developers can feel a little like trying to catch a unicorn, according to Paul Heltzel at CIO. Positions Brazil Phone Number Data like these require specific skills and recruiters should look for candidates who have these skills. But if you have a position that is complex or difficult to fill, you can make this challenge easier by using targeted recruiting to attract individuals with certain characteristics or skills. When should you use targeted recruiting and when should you use open recruiting? Although it can be difficult to know which one to choose, targeted recruitment is well suited to certain circumstances, as is open recruitment. The key is knowing in which situations to use them.
For example, open recruitment is ideal when: You are hiring for multiple vacancies. Competitions are not your main focus. You'll have a larger pool of candidates to draw from, which will help you fill multiple vacancies more easily. And while your applicants may not have the exact skills you want, focusing on credentials may not be your primary goal with open recruiting. Targeted recruiting is ideal when: You are looking for candidates who have specific skills. You are hiring for positions that have specific responsibilities or involve high-impact tasks. With targeted recruiting, you will be able to specifically source desired candidates and fill specialized positions. When combined with skills testing platforms like TestGorilla, targeted recruiting can help you determine if your candidates have the skills needed to perform high-impact tasks. For which positions does targeted recruiting work well? According to Chron, targeted recruiting strategies work well for technical positions and those that require a specific type of education or competency. Three metrics to analyze and improve targeted recruiting It is not enough to focus only on time to hire and cost per hire when evaluating the effectiveness of targeted recruiting.