As a benchmark? Mr. Ayat: That's right. Showing evidence is the easiest way to communicate. Data that says, ` `This is how much revenue you're missing out on '' is particularly effective. "Why are we missing so many users?" I asked. SEO Japan: That's hard to understand. Mr. Ayat: Yes. I said to them, ``You guys are making this much money right now, but you're missing out on an opportunity to make $XX more.'' In Japan, it's Yen (YEN) lol. Since this is a pressing issue for them, there is a necessity to improve conversions after visiting the site. SEO Japan: I see. SEO Japan: If the client was a small company that didn't have SEO measures in place and wasn't getting enough traffic, wouldn't you offer CRO services? Mr. Ayat: Of course, this applies to large companies that receive inflows, but we also improve usability for small companies as well.
Even if it's small, making sure it's free of critical flaws and usable by users is just as important as increasing traffic. SEO Japan: Does that mean we should get rid of "Fix it Right Away" (which you mentioned in the workshop)? Mr. Ayat: If it's a small company, most of the things are Right Away. SEO Japan: How India Phone Number much traffic did you think you would need to make a CRO proposal? Ayat: We were thinking about making an offer based on conversion . In the slides I showed at the workshop, I showed about 100 to 150 CV, but that's about it considering statistical superiority. But let's say you were to make a proposal to a company that did not meet this standard. However, when I had to test, I looked at page-by-page transitions.
Purchases aren't the only conversions. SEO Japan: So you set up micro conversions? Mr. Ayat: Yes, micro conversion. So the goal is, "Do you click this button?" SEO Japan: This also includes things like whether it's connected to subscriptions. SEO Japan: I think there are a lot of products and services related to AI on the market these days, but what will happen when AI and CRO are combined? Ayat: In fact, there are already test engines that use AI to predict what should be tested next.