is for this reason that it is very strict regarding the quality of the articles that we will offer Do you want your article to appear on Google Discover Pay attention to the following tips The first thing to do is to consult the list of recommendations offered by the search engine Indeed this list can sometimes seem quite vague However it will guide you towards good content In addition to following these recommendations you must also master all the techniques governing the rule of writing SEO content It starts with the choice of titles Through titles readers will have an overview of what you are going to talk about in your article You must
prevent Internet users from wasting their time manipulating clicks Another way to Malta WhatsApp Number List personalize your content is to insert images that attract Internet users There opt for high quality images If you want to generate traffic use a large number of photos or images Furthermore it is not recommended to use the sites logo as a supporting image for the content Finally make your content consistent with the interests that are current at the moment Indeed readers are looking for new things Their needs vary according to time trends and times They also expect you to tell them a story that concerns them The best content on Google
Discover is the one that offers unique information Here are other articles not to be missed pillarsstrategieseoefficacepng The main pillars of an effective SEO strategy for your site agencyreferencementfiablepng How to choose a reliable SEO agency alloranktoolseopng Allorank test SEO positioning tracking tool One Reply to Google Discover definition and operation in practice worktime June at pm The article offers a clear and comprehensive definition of Google Discover as well as an indepth understanding of how