Here is a list of potential weekly metrics for your RevOps strategy. Marketing KPIs Website visitors compared to the weekly goals needed to reach the monthly goal Qualified leads against the weekly goals needed to reach the monthly goal MQL and sales opportunities Sales KPIs Sales opportunities against the weekly goals needed to reach the monthly goal The number of first meetings compared to the goal Revenue projection for the month against your revenue goal Revenue from new customers Customer service KPIs Customers included in performance-related campaigns Returns from existing customers vs.
Target revenue New online reviews from current customers The metrics that are recommended to Photo Editing Services observe monthly are those that, once examined, could lead to changes in long-term plans . To these are added those monitored in the weekly time interval, which should always be kept an eye on. Marketing KPIs The conversion rates and performance of calls to action , landing pages, website pages and other forms Email performance, especially open rate, click-through rate and lead generation The cost per lead Sales KPIs Closing rate Conversion rate at different stages of the sales process Phases of the sales cycle Pipeline value and velocity Customer service KPIs Customer satisfaction score.
Customer retention rate Customer Effort Score CES First response time, i.e. the time it takes for the team to assist customers Customer acquisition cost CAC measures the cost incurred to acquire a new customer, including marketing and sales resources And what about KPIs to monitor every three months? The truth is, there isn't much difference between what is reviewed quarterly and monthly. The only difference between the two monitoring intervals concerns the feedback that can be obtained from the results : as we anticipated, many metrics can only be evaluated over a large period of time.