But that is the nature of trading in general in its various forms. 3. Weak regulation: It is very apparent that the Forex market is less regulated than most other markets, because it does not have a dedicated body that supervises it, but only some local institutions. This point is easy to avoid, as all you have to do is choose a reliable broker to be confident about your money, and we will mention many of them in this article.
The top 5 global Forex companies IMPORTANT TERMS THAT WILL HELP YOU LEARN FOREX This point is Phone Number Data perhaps the most important in this entire article, as you will need the terms that we will mention below while learning Forex and trading later, and through them you will be able to communicate with other traders smoothly. The most important of these terms are: 1. Pip : It is the fourth decimal number in the exchange rate, and it expresses the smallest movement that the price can make, whether increasing or decreasing. For example, if the currency exchange rate increases from 1.5550 to 1.5553, it increases by 3 Pip, through which traders calculate profits and losses after closing deals.
And it is the profit margin that the trading broker obtains from that process, whether it is a bank, company, or exchange office. It is one of the important criteria in choosing a good trading broker. The greater the price difference, the more The cost to you as a trader increases. 3. Lot: The unit used to measure the size of Forex trading deals and helps in better risk management. The standard contract or lot size is 100,000 units of the base currency, but there are smaller contracts called micro, mini and nano that are used according to profit goals and the value of the deposit. 4. Leverage : It is the percentage provided by the trading broker that gives you the ability to trade with an amount equal to several times the original amount you deposited for trading.